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Enso Recovery | About Us


ENSO Recovery operates substance use disorder programs in Augusta and Sanford Maine and two Medication Assisted Recovery Residences in Sanford, and two in Augusta, Maine. ENSO Recovery is the first substance use treatment program to provide medication assisted treatment in Maine county jails and are active at a state and national level advocating for pre-arrest diversion.


We are honored to have attracted a team of eclectic, talented, passionate people who are committed to helping their clients find their way home … inside and outside. We understand the road you are traveling, the darkness, the hopelessness, the black veil of shame and the yearning for something to fill that hole that many of us have never been able to define and yet intuitively know exists. We ask how did I end up here? Why do I feel this way? Why can’t I stop? Why should I even try? Would I be better off dead?


Come in and talk to us. Let us help you close the gates of hell behind you and author a new story for your life.  You never have to feel this way again.


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